Fox River Bible Church is a Dispensational Church
There are many conservative Bible churches in Illinois and many Grace churches in Illinois, but most fall under the trap of Covenant Theology or Replacement Theology. They are guilty of not rightly diving the word of truth. They are guilty of not seeing the difference between the nation of Israel in the Bible and the Church the Body of Christ. Churches who rightly divide the word of truth are sadly rare today. Yet, churches that rightly divide are important.
“What is the difference between Covenant Theology and Dispensational Theology?”
Covenant Theology: The general belief defined by Covenant Theology is that God has only had one people throughout the Bible (represented as Israel in the Old Testament and The Church in the New Testament). Many covenant theologians believe that God has not abandoned His promises to Israel that He made in the Old Testament, but that He fulfilled them in a spiritual sense through Jesus Christ in the New Testament. Covenant Theologians view the New Testament Church as a continuation of Israel. Some Covenant Theologians even believe that God will one day restore unregenerate Israel.
Replacement Theology: The general belief defined by Replacement Theology is that God has had two distinct and different people in the Bible (Israel in the Old Testament and The Church in the New Testament). Replacement Theologians typically believe that Israel has fallen out of God’s favor, and that the New Testament Church has replaced Israel as God’s people. Replacement Theology is sometimes referred to as Supersessionism, with the belief that the New Covenant given to the New Testament church has superseded the Old Covenant (the Mosaic Covenant) given to Israel in the Old Testament.
Dispensational Theology: The general belief defined by Dispensational Theology is that God has indeed had two distinct and different people in the Bible (Israel in the Old Testament and The Church in the New Testament). In contrast to Covenant Theology or Replacement Theology, Dispensationalists believe that Israel has currently fallen out of God’s favor, but will one day be restored to a glorious state. Dispensationalists believe that today God is building the church, The Body of Christ.
A Dispensational approach to Bible study is nothing new. There have been many influential men of God throughout the centuries who have labored in the Word to help clear the mud of religious confusion and bring to light God’s grace.
What is a Dispensation?
Dispensation is a Bible word. In Apostle Paul’s epistle to the church in Colosse he wrote, “Whereof I am made a minister, according to the dispensation of God which is given to me for you, to fulfil the word of God;” (Colossians 1:25). See also 1 Cor. 9:17, Eph. 1:10, and Eph. 3:2. Thankfully, there are many dispensational Bible churches still around.
Usually, people who take a Dispensational approach to understanding the Bible, may recognize or acknowledge anywhere from 2 to 12 distinct Dispensations. For example, Scofield recognized 7 different Dispensations in The Scolfield Reference Bible. While understanding and determining the various Dispensations correctly is important, it is more important to make sure that you are studying the Bible Dispensationally to begin with!
C. I. Scofield defined dispensation as "A period of time during which man is tested in respect to some specific revelation of the will of God.'' |
In 1918, one of America’s most well-known Bible teachers, Clarence Larkin, published a classic book called “Dispensational Truth or God’s Plan and Purpose in the Ages.” Larkin was a talented illustrator and his works are filled with well-drafted dispensational charts that help to understand the Bible. |
In 1951, The founder of the Berean Bible Society, C.R. Stam wrote an extremely helpful book called “Things That Differ: The Fundamentals of Dispensationalism.” While explaining what a dispensation is Stam wrote, “While the principles of God have to do with His character, His nature, the dispensations of God concern His dealings with those under Him, especially with man. Many people have been frightened away from dispensationalism by the length of the word itself. The root of this long word, however, has a very simple meaning, for the word dispense means simply to deal out. The word dispensation, then, means the act of dispensing or dealing out, or, that which is dispensed or dealt out.” |
Dispensational Theology is the only method
of studying the Bible that makes sense.
When a church rightly divides the word of truth, it is easier to understand the Bible. When you rightly divide the word of truth properly, many appearing contradictions in the Bible vanish.
If you live in the western suburbs of Chicagoland and are wondering “Where is a dispensational church near me?” — look no further. Fox River Bible Church is a dispensational church in South Elgin, IL.